Enabled hosts on all arches in all channels

State: Channels:
Ready: Arches:
Hosts 1 through 6 of 6
ID ascending sort Name Arches Channels Enabled? Ready? Load Cap. Last Update
1 builder1.x86.opencloudos.tech x86_64 i386 default createrepo yes yes 0.0 32.0 2024-10-14 18:53:33
2 builder2.x86.opencloudos.tech x86_64 i386 default yes yes 0.0 32.0 2024-10-14 18:53:26
3 builder3.x86.opencloudos.tech x86_64 i386 default livecd image livemedia runroot yes yes 0.0 32.0 2024-10-14 18:53:26
4 builder1.aarch64.opencloudos.tech aarch64 default createrepo yes yes 0.0 32.0 2024-10-14 18:53:31
5 builder2.aarch64.opencloudos.tech aarch64 default yes yes 0.0 32.0 2024-10-14 18:53:37
6 builder3.aarch64.opencloudos.tech aarch64 default livecd image livemedia runroot yes yes 0.0 32.0 2024-10-14 18:53:36
Hosts 1 through 6 of 6