Packages starting with "o"

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | all
<<< Packages 51 through 100 of 192 >>>
ID Name ascending sort
5203 oidc-agent
6862 okteta
6392 omniORB
5477 omniORBpy
2167 omping
5492 oneVPL
6708 oneVPL-intel-gpu
3686 onednn
4732 onesixtyone
2168 ongres-scram
3687 ongres-stringprep
2169 oniguruma
1121 opa-ff
1122 opa-fm
2854 opae
2855 opal-prd
6222 opari2
6296 open-eid
2170 open-sans-fonts
7286 open-sendmail
2171 open-vm-tools
2172 openal-soft
4986 openarc
4776 openbgpd
2173 openblas
2174 openblas-srpm-macros
3409 openbox
4577 opencc
2175 openchange
2176 opencl-filesystem
3248 opencl-headers
3008 opencloudos-bookmarks
3013 opencloudos-indexhtml
3304 opencloudos-irqaffinity
3009 opencloudos-logos
3015 opencloudos-obsolete-packages
3014 opencloudos-release
3281 opencloudos-release-8.5-7.oc8.aarch64.rpm
3282 opencloudos-release-8.5-7.oc8.src.rpm
3283 opencloudos-release-8.5-7.oc8.x86_64.rpm
3310 opencloudos-release-docker-ce
4017 opencloudos-rpm-config
4491 opencloudos-stream-getsource
4597 opencloudos-stream-release
3303 opencloudos-tools
6742 openconnect
6521 openconnect-gateway
6798 opencore-amr
1123 opencryptoki
891 opencsd
<<< Packages 51 through 100 of 192 >>>