--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: name: python27-devel stream: "2.7" version: 8050020220701092755 context: c7643c7d arch: x86_64 summary: Python programming language, version 2.7 description: >- This module provides the Python 2.7 interpreter and additional Python packages the users might need. license: module: - MIT xmd: {} dependencies: - buildrequires: platform: [oc8.5.0] requires: platform: [oc8] python27: [2.7] references: community: https://www.python.org/ documentation: https://docs.python.org/2.7/ filter: rpms: - python3-Cython - python3-PyMySQL - python3-PyYAML - python3-attrs - python3-babel - python3-bson - python3-chardet - python3-coverage - python3-docutils - python3-idna - python3-jinja2 - python3-markupsafe - python3-mock - python3-nose - python3-numpy - python3-numpy-doc - python3-numpy-f2py - python3-pluggy - python3-psycopg2 - python3-psycopg2-debug - python3-psycopg2-tests - python3-py - python3-pygments - python3-pymongo - python3-pymongo-gridfs - python3-pysocks - python3-pytest - python3-pytest-mock - python3-pytz - python3-requests - python3-scipy - python3-setuptools_scm - python3-six - python3-sqlalchemy - python3-urllib3 - python3-virtualenv buildopts: rpms: macros: > # Note that we cannot disable building of all Python 3 subpackages, # because python2-devel (needed to build all Python 2 packages) # has a runtime dependency on python3-rpm-generators, and that # package requires python3-setuptools at runtime. By rebuilding # python-setuptools SRPM with only python2, we overshadow the # already built python3 subpackage and it is no longer # available for python3-rpm-generators when building python-pip # (or any other Python package). # We can disable Python 3 in all packages but ... %_without_python3 1 # ... we have to have a way to enable some of them as described # above. With this macro, we can add some module-specific # conditions for python3-* subpackages and other special cases. # %_with_python27_module 1 # for: python-jinja2 %_with_python2 1 # to solve circular dependency between pytest and [attrs, pluggy] # %_without_tests 1 components: rpms: Cython: rationale: Language for writing Python extension modules. Build dependency of numpy and PyYAML ref: bb8cc2d437e00bb62a9af9b59fb1d2fff59bc86a buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] PyYAML: rationale: YAML parser and emitter for Python ref: f4fc3e7194c94a9a19e1ba1c12e47f78db4261d9 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] babel: rationale: Tools for internationalizing Python applications ref: 7e39d935483da4d02551e52d5964bbef35483afc arches: [aarch64, x86_64] numpy: rationale: A fast multidimensional array facility for Python ref: 866922a0ecffcc80dd4b9dd96d190991fc05e6f1 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] pytest: rationale: Simple powerful testing with Python ref: 58f4643ac434d973569e217f24e45ac3196c26c5 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-PyMySQL: rationale: Python adapter for the MySQL/MariaDB databases ref: e751b3be086725f303ff6354335666d605045929 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-attrs: rationale: Python attributes without boilerplate ref: b809b4d263356ddb4edad21766ce0beb716eaf4d arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-backports: rationale: Namespace for backported Python features ref: 44aa0cc39f4875d10f7a3a7062d6a5139b284194 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-backports-ssl_match_hostname: rationale: The ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3. Dependency of urllib3/requests. ref: 9057a5e4863c031c0ec93a0b921a17717eb7dadf buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-chardet: rationale: Character encoding auto-detection in Python. Dependency of requests. ref: f177645e7fb39d2fbda050cceaa86805e3ef4d36 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-coverage: rationale: Code coverage testing module for Python ref: 65854362dce7ee0dce366c4e9264b17d535d777d buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-dns: rationale: DNS toolkit for Python. Useful package for IPA and mailman. ref: d92027b795f6a9d231d29a3b573846b5558ec2f4 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-docs: rationale: Documentation for Python ref: 6dcbf7eaf9078468874cad3a7f88287673ba0fef arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-docutils: rationale: System for processing plaintext documentation ref: 3281ab97216c187af9f3a7587d32ad1a10a272aa buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-funcsigs: rationale: Python function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+. Dependency of Pytest and mock. ref: eb18c3d84c40c671e433979407383ffbf43d7c71 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-idna: rationale: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA). Dependency of requests. ref: 9a4660acfb87b7a727ab4a43281d17dc3fcdf14d buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-ipaddress: rationale: Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6+. Dependency of urllib3/requests. ref: 49c80826b3e9229f7c372ff744a040477070c49b buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-jinja2: rationale: General purpose template engine ref: e962a2d457f1190aa120af3219fecd5cf6a31735 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-lxml: rationale: XML processing library ref: eaf759ac2f2452340c895b0c45ef75bdfbbe642a arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-markupsafe: rationale: Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python ref: eca7c4c8f678be04e43600e28d4934d2b4ab3d34 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-mock: rationale: A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing ref: 541f9dfa29607251f357a158c014290a0ccec369 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-nose: rationale: Discovery-based unit test extension for Python ref: 526e0bffe3276aae60dc8efbeecccc7f781b2ba3 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-pluggy: rationale: The plugin manager stripped of pytest specific details ref: d79c339150bcd45fc51ea3056b7a42b9a8260e61 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-psycopg2: rationale: Python adapter for the PostgreSQL database ref: 306bde50e7ab91921bf06824363336b4f25e5250 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-py: rationale: Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities ref: 7e50f47e1bb06f38edcd538596aa1152bf34e96b buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-pygments: rationale: Syntax highlighting engine written in Python ref: ad7a2706063469dcecc2d6f86f78c69c0c57c3c5 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-pymongo: rationale: Python driver for MongoDB ref: 7f5bcda861049e875c740ada76fe4aa35f05cf4f arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-pysocks: rationale: A Python SOCKS client module. Dependency of urllib3/requests. ref: f88dac3ab3fa2d25a4744cc8a0d3a7a18de6ec60 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-pytest-mock: rationale: Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test. Build dependency of requests. ref: 8c203882e1f0e8eebb47176bf68f4cb155631a51 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-requests: rationale: HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings ref: 02c39bf0c196ca22f2713e3edf7b30f7c7df9ca7 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-setuptools_scm: rationale: Blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags. Build dependency of pytest and pytest-mock. ref: 5902fd4cf1076ae052a8d0b1d20ada25ce7c2d52 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-six: rationale: Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities ref: 6fa94839c08be240a03e0e689a2d4e8a87cfc39b buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-sqlalchemy: rationale: Modular and flexible ORM library for python ref: 4032f2279dd05ec61f2c968a47ee68374d3ac11c arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-urllib3: rationale: Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling and file post. Dependency of requests. ref: 192ba3444dd044782232c4c3e387eabf273eb1e8 buildorder: -9 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-virtualenv: rationale: Tool to create isolated Python environments ref: 7b306a9f10ddb72d7d81107588f39e0081461446 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-wheel: rationale: Used for unbundling of pip and setuptools ref: 207f2db34e28e2e9e846c80ed11e42e73c1b3d3c arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python2: rationale: Main Python language interpreter ref: 2b2b354640b6931d4b7a917093f9007b8673c7e5 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python2-pip: rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem ref: cef5bcd145b3c99e8c801c8c83a8746a9b6e4153 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python2-rpm-macros: rationale: Python 2 RPM macros - dependency of python2-devel ref: 2738541df42a44f6b513f8578cc85d3779e3baae arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python2-setuptools: rationale: Python Packaging ecosystem ref: e24025b10c6b24ac40be850488a949a2b610e711 buildorder: -10 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] pytz: rationale: Runtime requires of babel, and python2-babel ref: 28059fc16aecc0609642f74afa441f31df738a8b arches: [aarch64, x86_64] scipy: rationale: Scientific Tools for Python ref: 89a5cea15c615a6bb8864d46c26b1fadc7b72860 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] ...