--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: stream: DL1 summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system module description: >- RHEL IdM is an integrated solution to provide centrally managed Identity (users, hosts, services), Authentication (SSO, 2FA), and Authorization (host access control, SELinux user roles, services). The solution provides features for further integration with Linux based clients (SUDO, automount) and integration with Active Directory based infrastructures (Trusts). license: module: - MIT dependencies: - buildrequires: 389-ds: [1.4] httpd: [2.4] pki-core: [10.6] platform: [oc8] requires: 389-ds: [1.4] httpd: [2.4] pki-core: [10.6] platform: [oc8] references: community: https://www.freeipa.org/ documentation: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/linux_domain_identity_authentication_and_policy_guide/index tracker: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issues profiles: adtrust: description: RHEL IdM Server Integration with Active Directory rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server-trust-ad client: description: RHEL IdM Client rpms: - ipa-client common: description: A default profile for RHEL IdM client rpms: - ipa-client dns: description: RHEL IdM with integrated DNS server and integrated CA rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server - ipa-server-dns server: description: Base RHEL IdM Server with integrated CA and no integrated DNS rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server components: rpms: bind-dyndb-ldap: rationale: Driver for BIND to store DNS information in LDAP ref: 9d441d4acbbb392a11dfc9307ba4d9a2ff8ea675 custodia: rationale: Remote access to secrets and credentials in IdM topology ref: 979f411456c477e800f709254e36e89604147a8c buildorder: 2 ipa: rationale: Module API ref: 315bc7ba61e451f02b43789275e63357e2093dd3 ipa-healthcheck: rationale: A tool to detect issues in IdM clusters ref: 5dc0343670faa26d26a298419729fec10f167358 buildorder: 3 opendnssec: rationale: An implementation of DNSSEC support for IdM integrated DNS server ref: d217daae08b5dea7f0098f666568bb0b5ad0fc34 python-jwcrypto: rationale: JSON Web Cryptographic Tokens used by Custodia ref: 22334f2139c74ea3fe79675be0f7425387e42a1a buildorder: 1 python-kdcproxy: rationale: MS-KKDCP (kerberos proxy) WSGI module ref: cf209232c7b4d1b541738de802aab4d51feab7fe python-qrcode: rationale: QR code generator for IdM two-factor authentication ref: dcae21358c60da111b8fba035278a69a3fe63949 python-yubico: rationale: Support for Yubikey-based tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: cf69ac56f78875e0323dbb000f5c1dc31e03096f buildorder: 2 pyusb: rationale: Python USB support to access USB tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: ab2fc6040037aa8c2cea69d7c79db49cbe7d1bae buildorder: 1 slapi-nis: rationale: Compatibility plugin to serve legacy clients ref: 330d6c144237fdee259f794f57142bf39a29ccbd arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, s390x, x86_64] softhsm: rationale: Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module ref: 5f2386ca6b033002dcae00b659b7a12caa5f1efe ...