--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: name: idm-devel stream: "DL1" version: 8060020230117110250 context: aa61ccf4 arch: x86_64 summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system module description: >- RHEL IdM is an integrated solution to provide centrally managed Identity (users, hosts, services), Authentication (SSO, 2FA), and Authorization (host access control, SELinux user roles, services). The solution provides features for further integration with Linux based clients (SUDO, automount) and integration with Active Directory based infrastructures (Trusts). license: module: - MIT xmd: {} dependencies: - buildrequires: 389-ds: [1.4] httpd: [2.4] pki-core: [10.6] platform: [oc8.6.0] requires: 389-ds: [1.4] httpd: [2.4] idm: [DL1] pki-core: [10.6] platform: [oc8] references: community: https://www.freeipa.org/ documentation: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/linux_domain_identity_authentication_and_policy_guide/index tracker: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issues components: rpms: bind-dyndb-ldap: rationale: Driver for BIND to store DNS information in LDAP ref: 0d25d8acc6a002a1637bdea9abbe2d791515aac8 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] custodia: rationale: Remote access to secrets and credentials in IdM topology ref: b1ea3a7c0de42af9808f6d259b0ffeb3f9bb2574 buildorder: 2 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] ipa: rationale: Module API ref: 94a433f43e30c9a55beb9c1ee73697d8e659e23e arches: [aarch64, x86_64] ipa-healthcheck: rationale: A tool to detect issues in IdM clusters ref: a6f98fa6052d6ca7673724d7d0259977ef518f42 buildorder: 3 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] opendnssec: rationale: An implementation of DNSSEC support for IdM integrated DNS server ref: cf30f3e6a0791ea8c91dd336e1876f83972aafcc arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-jwcrypto: rationale: JSON Web Cryptographic Tokens used by Custodia ref: f2465a31ec1802e8003619ee3cea4b8fc047c387 buildorder: 1 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-kdcproxy: rationale: MS-KKDCP (kerberos proxy) WSGI module ref: a641b7c9b2096950c1a1eff72089c9ae6cdb0355 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-qrcode: rationale: QR code generator for IdM two-factor authentication ref: 7e409fc1186ff4e7f9e5bfcd6c291fe1636a44ef arches: [aarch64, x86_64] python-yubico: rationale: Support for Yubikey-based tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: fff60f2c356f8179d8df05096a874c487e7c1298 buildorder: 2 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] pyusb: rationale: Python USB support to access USB tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: 5fcea3735d25838bcacb165675daf8058ebeb4f1 buildorder: 1 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] slapi-nis: rationale: Compatibility plugin to serve legacy clients ref: e0ed9c283fab7735db1db418f19f54ae61cbed36 arches: [aarch64, ppc64le, s390x, x86_64] softhsm: rationale: Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module ref: dae4a0930540a3d0ded6d7166113042e1a9816c5 arches: [aarch64, x86_64] ...