((python3dist(msgpack) < 1.0.1 or python3dist(msgpack) > 1.0.1) with python3dist(msgpack) <= 1.0.7 with python3dist(msgpack) >= 0.5.6) |
fuse-devel |
gcc |
gnupg2 |
libacl-devel |
libzstd-devel >= 1.3.0 |
lz4-devel >= 1.7.0 |
make |
openssl-devel >= 1.0.2 |
pyproject-rpm-macros |
python3-Cython |
python3-devel |
python3-devel |
python3-pkgconfig |
python3-sphinx |
python3dist(cython) |
python3dist(packaging) |
python3dist(pip) >= 19 |
python3dist(pkgconfig) |
python3dist(pytest) |
python3dist(pytest-xdist) |
python3dist(python-dateutil) |
python3dist(setuptools) |
python3dist(setuptools-scm) >= 1.7 |
python3dist(toml) |
python3dist(wheel) |
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(DynamicBuildRequires) <= 4.15.0-1 |
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 |
rpmlib(RichDependencies) <= 4.12.0-1 |
xxhash-devel >= 0.7.3 |