((python3.11dist(flask) < 0.11 or python3.11dist(flask) > 0.11) with python3.11dist(flask) >= 1.0.2) |
((python3.11dist(oslo-serialization) < 2.19.1 or python3.11dist(oslo-serialization) > 2.19.1) with python3.11dist(oslo-serialization) >= 2.18) |
((python3.11dist(pbr) < 2.1 or python3.11dist(pbr) > 2.1) with python3.11dist(pbr) >= 2) |
((python3.11dist(pycadf) < 2 or python3.11dist(pycadf) > 2) with python3.11dist(pycadf) >= 1.1) |
openssl |
python(abi) = 3.11 |
python3-bcrypt |
python3-cryptography |
python3-dogpile-cache |
python3-flask |
python3-flask-restful |
python3-jsonschema |
python3-jwt |
python3-keystoneclient |
python3-keystonemiddleware |
python3-migrate |
python3-msgpack |
python3-oauthlib |
python3-oslo-cache |
python3-oslo-config |
python3-oslo-context |
python3-oslo-db |
python3-oslo-i18n |
python3-oslo-log |
python3-oslo-messaging |
python3-oslo-middleware |
python3-oslo-policy |
python3-oslo-serialization |
python3-oslo-upgradecheck |
python3-oslo-utils |
python3-osprofiler |
python3-passlib |
python3-pbr |
python3-pycadf |
python3-pysaml2 |
python3-pytz |
python3-scrypt |
python3-sqlalchemy |
python3-stevedore |
python3-webob |
python3.11dist(bcrypt) >= 3.1.3 |
python3.11dist(cryptography) >= 2.7 |
python3.11dist(dogpile-cache) >= 1.0.2 |
python3.11dist(flask-restful) >= 0.3.5 |
python3.11dist(jsonschema) >= 3.2 |
python3.11dist(keystonemiddleware) >= 7 |
python3.11dist(msgpack) >= 0.5 |
python3.11dist(oauthlib) >= 0.6.2 |
python3.11dist(oslo-cache) >= 1.26 |
python3.11dist(oslo-config) >= 6.8 |
python3.11dist(oslo-context) >= 2.22 |
python3.11dist(oslo-db) >= 6 |
python3.11dist(oslo-i18n) >= 3.15.3 |
python3.11dist(oslo-log) >= 3.44 |
python3.11dist(oslo-messaging) >= 5.29 |
python3.11dist(oslo-middleware) >= 3.31 |
python3.11dist(oslo-policy) >= 3.10 |
python3.11dist(oslo-upgradecheck) >= 1.3 |
python3.11dist(oslo-utils) >= 3.33 |
python3.11dist(osprofiler) >= 1.4 |
python3.11dist(passlib) >= 1.7 |
python3.11dist(pyjwt) >= 1.6.1 |
python3.11dist(pysaml2) >= 5 |
python3.11dist(python-keystoneclient) >= 3.8 |
python3.11dist(pytz) >= 2013.6 |
python3.11dist(scrypt) >= 0.8 |
python3.11dist(sqlalchemy) >= 1.3 |
python3.11dist(sqlalchemy-migrate) >= 0.13 |
python3.11dist(stevedore) >= 1.20 |
python3.11dist(webob) >= 1.7.1 |
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 |
rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) <= 4.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 |
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1 |
rpmlib(RichDependencies) <= 4.12.0-1 |